My Media

Kaltura/My Media is a media library, similar to YouTube, used for the storage of videos, audio files, and media from other streaming services used for educational and non-educational purposes. The media library integrated within Canvas makes access to media and media sharing quick and easy. Anyone at UWEC can use and access Kaltura/My Media as well as use the media recording programs available, even if you are not creating or sharing media for a specific class. Media saved within Kaltura/My Media are only accessible by the creator unless shared via URL or within a Canvas course.  It is supported by LTS and UW System Administration staff. It is also available on mobile devices through the KMS Go app making it easier to upload videos created on the go. 
Additionally, there are two media recorders built within Kaltura/My Media—Kaltura Capture and Kaltura Webcam Recorder. Please see the articles below to learn more about these media recording programs. There is also an editing program and all media saved within Kaltura/My Media are automatically machine captioned. 
Note: To access your Kaltura/My Media account, an account must be authorized and created. To do this, go into Canvas > Account > My Media and follow the appropriate prompts for setting up your My Media account.  

Read more about using My Media/Kaltura

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