Canvas Syllabus

Canvas Course Syllabus

The course syllabus link in the Course Navigation will take you to the course syllabus and a list of assignments and due dates for the course.

  1. Course Syllabus – All of our course syllabi contain the same elements. These elements include, but not limited to, instructor contact information, course description, topical outline, overview of assignments, grading scale, and late work and accommodation policies.
  2. Syllabus Calendar - Highlighted dates are when assignments are due. Click on the date for more information.
  3. Assignment Group Weights - Instructors can choose whether the course grade is calculated based on points or weight. If your course is based by weight, the weighting of the assignment groups will show up here. 
  4. Course Summary - All assignments and their due dates are listed on the Course Summary at the bottom of the page.

For more information on the Syllabus page, check out this Canvas guide: How do I navigate the Syllabus table and calendar?

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