Program costs
2024-25 Academic Year - The cost per credit for a Consortium MBA course (Business Essential, Core, or Elective) is $850 per credit, regardless of residency.
2025-26 Academic Year - The cost per credit for a Consortium MBA course (Business Essential, Core, or Elective) is $875 per credit, regardless of residency.
*There is also a one-time graduation processing fee (currently $85) after a student has accumulated 21 credits.
Estimated costs can be calculated by multiplying total number of required credits by the cost per credit. You should budget roughly an additional $1,000-$2,000 for books and reading materials which will vary in price depending on where you get materials and classes you take.
Note when registering
When registering for classes, you may see a "special course fee" in CampS, but this can be ignored as you pay a flat fee for courses (listed above).